


Education is a key to open the lock of progress of the nation.  The whole infrastructure of the society depends on the education.  It is widely recognized that a school lights the lamp of education.  The graceful store eyed building of the school and its spacious class room and a large play ground with neat and clean campus - all have a particular impact on student, presenting himself for the first time on the ground of the school.  But in a large measure it is the system of education of the school that regenerates and orientates the necessary pathological energy needs for the advancement of the people by strengthening the bonds of national integration and awakening the sense of the responsibilities.  Keeping the tradition up the luminaries of the institution has a will to provide all basic requirements of an ideal school every year since its establishment.  The main features of this institution are -

1.       This is the first institution of its own kind in the locality where the lamp of learning lighted for the cause of the education to populace irrespective of casts, creed and faith. 

2.       The school organizes games sports and physical training as a part of regular curricular activity to help the child to develop a healthy personality.  We cultivate the sacred feeding of secularism, national integration fraternity and table up strain to protect our rich Indian culture and tradition. 

3.       A strict punctuality is maintained and no student is allowed to attend classes without uniform. 

4.       Under curricular activities students take keen interest in games, sports, debates social work etc. and awards are given to them in presence of important personalities in order to encourage them. 

5.       Whole academic performances of this institution are flashed in the annual function and distinguish dignitaries and authorities are invited to witness the distribution of prize & awards given to the students on the occasion.  We can say with confidence that this is institution is a foot step for better future of children of tomorrow citizen of the country.